Shipping Methods
Here are the estimated delivery times for different shipping carriers:
1. USPS (USA): The estimated delivery time is 8-15 business days.
2. DHL (Worldwide): The estimated delivery time is 7-15 business days.
3. UPS (Worldwide): The estimated delivery time is 5-10 business days.
4. FedEx (Worldwide): The estimated delivery time is 7-15 business days.
5. Parcel Force (UK): The estimated delivery time is 7-15 business days.
6. Chronopost (France): The estimated delivery time is 7-15 business days.
Please note that these are approximate delivery times and can vary depending on factors such as customs clearance, local postal services, and any unforeseen circumstances.
If you opt for express shipping, there is an additional fee of $25 per pair. This option usually provides faster delivery times compared to standard shipping methods.
It's important to keep in mind that these shipping times are subject to change and may be affected by external factors beyond our control. We recommend checking with the specific shipping carrier for the most up-to-date information regarding your package's delivery.